Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Airfix Spitfire Mk1

This had been sat in the stash since Christmas 2013 (present from my dear wife) so it needed building well and with care!

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1

I used the Airfix A02010 Mk 1 kit for this build and is the second one I've done so far. I opted for the 1939 paint job for the 19 Sqn RAF aircraft WZ-T having thought that the 2-tone black/white underside was a an odd observer ID aid!

The kit is a nice clean fit, little flash or significant mold marks or lines. The wing and fuselage joint is very good and overall a very nice kit.

I decided to build this straight out of the box and only added a stretched sprue antennae wire and some tin foil seat belts. The instrument panel decal is nice and with the canopy closed it is hard to see any real detail. For my Mk11a version done a few years back I cut open the canopy and door but an aftermarket clear part would be better.

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 finished
The final Spit - weathering was done with a fine brush an aluminum paint around the cowl bolts and the gun ammo hatches as they are frequently opened. Having seen the closeups of 1940s spitfires, they looked a real mess with dents in the skin, scrapes and dirt/ oil galore although many types were simply too new to get weathered before being shot down.

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build
The decals were fairly good but i had a hard time getting the fuselage WZ-T to settle down and used copies amounts of Microsol to not effect. I think I forgot to gloss spray before the decals however!

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build
I'm not sure how much Battle of Britain action this WZ-T aircraft took part in, although 19 Squadron was certainly well involved in the fight. Regardless, i weathered the underside as it had either had a long day at the ranges or involved in air combat.

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build
The gun port red tape covers were provided as decals but were super fiddly to attach and bend over the leading edge. Several coats of Microsol helped - after that I punched holes in them all for the 'just fired' effect.

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build
The canopy is fair although a bit on the thick side and the fuselage needed a bit of putty to fill the joins. Sanding around the antennae and light is tricky to avoid removing the features entirely. I mixed up some dirty white spirits with powered black pastel for fuel streaks around the filler cap and flicked droplets around the nose and underside.

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build
I couldn't resist drilling out the exhaust ports to add some extra details (no resin parts for me!)

Airfix 1/72 Spitfire Mk1 build

Build Material Notes:

Paints - Testors white and black. Humbrol Green 30 and Brown 118
Putty: Tamiya
Antennae: Stretched sprue
Decals: Kit supplied with Microset/sol
Matt varnish: Testors All-Purpose DullCote
Weathering: Vallejo Black pigment powder

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