Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Smallest Fokker DVII

Valom 1/144 Fokker DVII

The smallest kit ever made! Valom makes a kit with 2 aircraft in each box and even supplies PE for the struts, engine and throttle levels (0.5mm!!!!!)

Comes with 4 different decal types and thankfully decal lozenge camouflage too!

Yellow Nosed Bf 109

Revell 1/72 Bf 109 E-4

Possibly the fastest build ever (1/2 day) but the most basic kit ever! No cockpit detail. Canopy is 1mm too small (big gaps) and massive rivets and panel lines. What a fun build!

Orange Vampire

Airfix A02058 1/72 Kit - de Havilland Vampire T.11

Simple kit to build. Decals not up to usual Airfix standard and very thick (even with microsol)

Painted with Humbrol enamels and Clear Kote matt coated.